Darren Hayes “Do you Remember” Live in Brisbane.

Darren Hayes Brisbane Entertainment Centre Show “Do you Remember” 11th February 2023.
Photos by: Michelle Cop / POPrepublic.tv
What happened in 1993? Well, I remember this:
Paul Keating was Prime Minister, the whole Jurassic Park saga with the very first movie. Elton John‘s Melbourne concert had to end 30 minutes early due to an invasion of grasshoppers.
A devastating tsunami off Hokkaido, Japan kills 202. The ever-popular Beanie Babies are launched, the first bagless vacuum cleaner is invented, Intel introduces the Pentium Processor…and Savage Garden, after a circuitous musical journey, is finally cultivated into our pop culture.
February 2023, Brisbane Entertainment Centre. A beautiful night with some very beautiful people enjoying the support act “Bachelor Girl”. I suspect however, most concentration was directed to the return of Darren Hayes – one significant half of the super pop duo Savage Garden.
And not without reason. There is massive memory recall with some 23 million albums sold worldwide. As we Aussies would laconically say: “…not bad for local lads”.
No show spoiler will be given, but let’s just say the grandest and dramatic of entrances was made by Hayes and his backup singers.
Slightly hidden until just the right moment, he emerged and began a song list that time-transported this sell-out venue back 30 years.
What’s also incredible is the spread of ages who rocked up. Especially those who clearly weren’t even born at the time of those song releases.
None the less, Hayes hasn’t lost his touch nor his voice. Eloquent in his backstories, soaring, strong and tuneful in his delivery as if it was an Affirmation that age brings musical maturity. Hits like “I Want You”, “To the Moon and Back” (both 1996), “Truly Madly Deeply” (1997) and “I Knew I Loved You” (1999).
Yet from his newer works, it was uncertain that the audience shared his passion.
Special mention to the musicians who faithfully reproduced the hits. It’s a question of balance as to who holds Hayes band together, the Drummer or the Bass player. I’m going with “Team Novak” this time. Lee and his Precision Bass has my vote.
Great show Darren, wishing them all the best for the rest of the Tour.
Reviewed by 101FM Radio Presenter Stu Robertson
Photography by Michelle Cop (MC Photography)